Thursday, June 16, 2011
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Pizza Man Fire Difficult To Solve

Pizza Man Fire Difficult To Solve
Investigation Took 16 Months
Brendan Conway, WISN 12 News Reporter
MILWAUKEE -- As the iconic Pizza Man restaurant burned in January 2010, the immediate concern was putting it out and keeping it from spreading, but once the flames were extinguished the investigation began.
Experts from Milwaukee Police Department, Milwaukee Fire Department, the state Department of Justice and the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives combed the debris and determined it was arson, but it wasn't until this week, nearly a year and a half later that Feras Rahman was indicted.
Greg West, the dean of fire and EMS training at Waukesha County Technical College, said arson cases are tricky to pin down.
"It's not like 'CSI' where you wrap it up in an hour," West said.
One of the big problems with large fires, West said, is the flames often consume much of the evidence and what is gathered has to be tested and then pieced together.
He said that can take a lot of time.
"It's your job to find the proverbial needle in a haystack," said West.
Rahman is accused of starting the fire to collect the insurance on his cafe, which burned down along with the Pizza Man and two other businesses.
Prosecutors have not said how they think the fire started, but WISN 12 News has learned a specially trained dog discovered the source, meaning an accelerant was likely used.
In an exclusive interview the day after the fire, Rahman denied knowing about thing it.
"We have no idea. Nobody knows, not yet," Rahman said in January 2010.
West said cases like this should be a warning to any would be arsonist.
"You might get away with it for a while, but eventually it will catch up to you," West said.
Rahman is not in custody. His first court appearance is set for next Thursday morning.
Read more:
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Operator of neighboring eatery indicted in Pizza Man arson Suspect's Black and White Café opened about a year before fire

A grand jury in Milwaukee indicted the owner of the Black and White Café on Tuesday in connection with a January 2010 fire that destroyed the building housing the well-known Pizza Man restaurant on the city's east side.
Feras Rahman, 27, of Milwaukee was indicted on counts of arson resulting in injury, arson to commit mail fraud, mail fraud and lying, according to the indictment. The fire caused more than $3 million in damage.
The cafe, a counter-service restaurant, opened next door to Pizza Man in January 2009. The fire began in the Black and White Café, fire investigators have said.
Rahman faces a minimum of 17 years in prison if convicted on the arson counts alone, according to U.S. Attorney James Santelle. Convictions on the other counts could add more prison time.
In a statement, Santelle commended the investigation involving federal, state and local law enforcement.
"Their focus on and attention to this matter since the time of the arson, along with the work of federal and county prosecutors, reflects our commitment to pursue aggressively violent crimes of all types - not only to ensure the safety and well-being of our community but also to discourage those who might otherwise be inclined to engage in highly destructive behaviors of this sort," Santelle said.
Fred Milanowski, assistant special agent in charge of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, said in a statement, "The potential loss of life of building occupants, responding law enforcement or fire service personnel is what makes arson such a violent crime. We are very fortunate that no one was killed as a result of this senseless act."
Deanna Amidzich, co-owner of Pizza Man, which will not reopen, said justice was served by the indictment.
"What they did could have killed many people, and it did destroy many lives," said Amidzich, adding one of her former employees lost his home because the fire left him unemployed.
Amidzich said sorting out the insurance has been difficult. She and her husband have been saved by what had been a side business, a pre-mixed margarita and tequila brand called Stinky Gringo.
"No one is truly prepared for this," she said.
Rahman is not in custody. He is expected to appear by summons in the near future, according to his attorney, federal public defender Daniel Stiller. Stiller said his client plans to plead not guilty.
"From the time of the fire until the time of the indictment, Mr. Rahman has professed his innocence," Stiller said. "These cases are scary because unless Mr. Rahman started this fire, he is a victim of this fire. His not-guilty plea casts him in the role of the victim."
Friday, May 6, 2011
Stinky Gringo's Growing Margarita Empire

By Evan Rytlewski
"We lost everything overnight," says Deanna Amidzich of the January 2010 four-alarm fire that destroyed Pizza Man, the historic East Side restaurant she owned with her husband, Mike. In the aftermath of the fire, which had been deliberately set at a neighboring North Avenue restaurant, the couple scouted new locations to rebuild the restaurant while refocusing their attention on their other business, Stinky Gringo—a line of pre-mixed margaritas and tequila based on the margaritas they had served at Pizza Man.
"It was a margarita that everybody always liked," Amidzich says. "We would make batches for friends and family and people would keep saying, 'There's nothing like this on the market; you need to bottle this.' So we did, as a pie-in-the-sky venture. We produced our first bottle on April Fools' Day 2004."
That gambit is now Amidzich's full-time job. Once only available at local retailers, the company's products are now carried in more than 20 states, five of which have been added since this January, and the company is expecting that rapid growth to continue. Last year Stinky Gringo produced 27,000 cases of margaritas, a number it plans to double this year.
The brand's appeal is obvious: At 36 proof, Stinky Gringo's are easily the strongest pre-mixed margaritas on the market, far more potent than the 20 proof of most pre-mixed margaritas. In addition to more booze for the buck, Stinky Gringo's margaritas are made from pure tequila, unlike cheaper brands that cut their mixes with wine or grain alcohol.
"The reason we're going so fast is that consumers are getting more educated on what they're drinking," Amidzich says. "We've been doing tastings wherever we can, and we have a growing cult following on Facebook."
The Amidziches say Stinky Gringo is now their main concern. After talks of reopening Pizza Man in a new location fell through and Mike was hospitalized with a stress-related illness this year, the couple decided fate was telling them to retire from the restaurant business.
"We've met with a few people who are interested in purchasing the Pizza Man recipes, name and rights, but as far as going through the hell of operating a restaurant ourselves, those days are over," Amidzich says. "Right now I'm having way more fun selling hooch and watching this business really come into fruition."
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Happy Wednesday!!!! Almost the Weekend

Today is National Tell A Story Day...
Today remember all the great stories and memories you have made over the years at Pizza Man! Tell about your first date with the woman you now call your "wife" or about how every year you would go on your birthday and get the same dish because you could only find it there! I know there are hundreds of them so get started right away today to celebrate Tell A Story Day.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Happy Earth Day 2 All

The First Earth Day
April 22, 1970
We only have one earth, so we need to take care of her. That's what Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin believed. He was disturbed that an issue as important as our environment was not addressed in politics or by the media, so he created the first Earth Day, on April 22, 1970. An estimated 20 million people nationwide attended festivities that day. It was a truly astonishing grassroots explosion, leading eventually to national legislation such as the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Today is National Look Alike Day

For all of you who want to be just like someone you know, today is the perfect day for you; it's National Look Alike Day. That means, decide who your role model is or just your favorite person in general and try to emulate everything they do. Buy the same clothes as them, eat the same food as them, even walk and talk just like them. After all, imitation is the greatest form of flattery.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Today is National Pecan Pie Day

Sometimes I wonder who designates holidays for a particular day. For example, today it's National Pecan Pie Day. Why on April 14? Is this a particularly important day in pecan history? Is the person who came up with pecan pie born on this date? I would think it would be better to have it in the fall or winter, when (I think) people are more pie-oriented. Even the more general National Pie Day is in January.
So anyway, let's make a pecan pie today. Here's a classic recipe from Karo syrup, and here's a Pecan Torte with Chocolate Glaze from Marcia Adams. Or how about a Sweet Potato Pecan Pie, from AllRecipes
Read more:
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
It's Not My Fault......

Today is National Blame Someone Else Day, so hey if this post is no good and you don't like this's not my fault, it's that guys over there. Basically you can do whatever you want today and not be held responsible for your actions. However, just because you are blaming someone else, that does not mean that someone isn't blaming you! So be careful when blaming your co-worker for that report being late, because he might be blaming you for the same thing.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Random Pizza Facts:::::

Pizza Facts:
* The people of America eat around 350 slices of pizza each second, or 100 acres per day.
* Each year, pizza is a $30 billion industry.
* In the U.S., there are about 61,269 pizza parlors.
* Everyone in the United States eats about 23 lbs., or 46 slices, every year.
* Each year in the United States, 3 billion pizzas are sold.
* In America, the most popular ethnic food is Italian.
* Children ages 3-11 prefer pizza over all other foods for lunch and dinner, according to a recent Gallup Poll.
* 36 percent of all pizza orders want their pizza topping pepperoni.
* We consume around 251,770,000 pounds of pepperonis every year.
* A few popular pizzas toppings are: Mushrooms, Extra cheese, Sausage, Green Pepper, and Onion.
* In the list of most popular pizza toppings in America, the last one is anchovies.
* New gourmet pizza toppings have rapidly became popular. Some of those toppings include: Chicken, Oysters, Crayfish, Dandelions, Sprouts, Eggplant, Cajun Shrimp, Artichoke Hearts, Venison, Duck, Canadian-Style Bacon and Tuna.
* Practically every kind of pizza topping has been tried by pizza chefs, some of those toppings being peanut butter and jelly, bacon and eggs, and mashed potatoes.
* Americans prefer meat toppings to veggie toppings by a ratio of 62 to 100. Women order twice as much vegetable toppings than men.
* Some popular pizza toppings in Japan are squid and Mayo Jaga (mayonaise, potato and bacon).
* In India they like pickled ginger, minced mutton and tofu. The people of Brazil prefer green peas for their topping. Russians serve pizza covered in mockba (a mix of sardines, tuna, mackeral, salmon and onions.)
General Sales and Consumption Statistics: Pizza Facts
* There are approximately 61,269 pizzerias in the United States. (Source: American Business Lists, Omaha, Nebraska)
* Men wearing muscle shirts when answering the door order pepperoni three times more than any other kind of pizza. (San Jose Mercury News, Food Section, 1/11/95 )
* Italian food ranks as the most popular ethnic food in America. (National Restaurant Association)
* There are over 9,000 pizzeria's in New York alone. (The Tony Modica Pizza Dance Foundation)
* 94% of the population of the U.S. eats pizza. (Source: Parade Magazine)
* Approximately 3 BILLION pizzas are sold in the U.S. each fact.
* Americans eat approximately 100 acres of pizza EACH DAY, or about 350 slices per second.
* October is National Pizza Month. It was first so designated in 1987.
* Pizzerias represent 17% of all restaurants. (Source: Food Industry News)
* 93% of Americans eat AT LEAST one pizza per month. (Source: Bolla Wines)
* Each man, woman and child in America eats and average of 46 slices, (23 pounds), of pizza per year. (Source: Packaged Facts, New York)
* Saturday night is the biggest night of the week for eating pizza.
* Three of the top 10 weeks of pizza consumption occur in January. Another pizza fact: More pizza is consumed during Super Bowl week than any other week of the year. (Source: Kraft Foods, Northfield, Ill.)
U.S. Toppings: Pizza Facts
* Pepperoni is America's favorite topping, (36% of all pizza orders). We eat approximately 251,770,000 pounds of Pepperoni per year. Other popular pizza toppings are, mushrooms, extra cheese, sausage, green pepper and onions.
* Gourmet toppings are gaining ground in some areas of the country such as chicken, oysters, crayfish, dandelions, sprouts, eggplant, Cajun shrimp, artichoke hearts and tuna. More recent trends include game meats such as venison, duck and Canadian bacon.
* Pizza makers have tried virtually every type of topping on pizza including peanut butter & jelly, bacon & eggs, and mashed potatoes.
* Mozzarella cheese represents 30% of total cheese output. Production of Italian cheeses such as mozzarella, provolone, ricotta, parmesan and romano by U.S. cheese makers more than doubled between 1980 and 1992, (from 688.6 MILLION pounds per year to nearly 2 BILLION pounds per year. (Source: Cheese Market News)
* Cheesy pizza fact: Manufacturers' sales of pizza cheese should top $32 BILLION by 2004. U.S. per capita consumption of mozzarella cheese was 7.93 pounds in 1994 and is predicted to reach 12.51 pounds by 2004. (Source: Business Trend Analysts, BTA)
* 62% of Americans prefer meat toppings on their pizza, while 38% prefer vegetarian toppings. (Source: Bolla Wines)
* Barbeque pizza emerged as one of the more popular pizza variations in a 1994 study by the National Restaurant Association. Nearly 33% of menus offered some form of this dish. Other popular variations were Mexican pizza, five-cheese combos, cheeseless pies and traditional Italian pizzas such as Margherita, Florentine and New Potato Pizzas. (Source: NRA)
* Anchovies are Americans' least favorite topping.
World-Wide Toppings: Pizza Facts
* Some of the more popular international toppings are pickled ginger, minced mutton and tofu in India; squid and Mayo Jaga (mayonnaise, potato and bacon) in Japan; and green peas in Brazil. In Russia, they serve pizza covered with mockba; a combination of sardines, tuna, mackerel, salmon and onions. In France, a popular combo is called the Flambee with bacon, onion, and fresh cream. (Source: Domino's)
* Around the world, toppings vary greatly, reflecting regional tastes and preferences. In Japan, for instance, eel and squid are favorites. In Pakistan, curry is a big seller. In Russia, red herring is the topping of choice. Australians enjoy shrimp and pineapple as well as barbeque toppings on their pies. Costa Ricans favor coconut. (Source: Numero Uno Pizzeria)
* Vegetables for pizza toppings in Iceland are grown in greenhouses because of the lava terrain there. (Source: Domino's)
* In the Netherlands, the "Double Dutch" is a favorite pizza recipe: double cheese, double onions, and double beef. (Source: Domino's)
* In Saudi Arabia, all meat toppings must be 100% beef. Pork products are not consumed in the country. (Source: Domino's.)
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Today is National No Housework Day

Keeping up with the housework is overrated. You can spend your whole weekend making your place look spotless, but by Wednesday you're right back to where you started. How did the kitchen get so messy when all you made was a sandwich? And how is the hamper already overflowing? Who's wearing all these clothes anyway? Today just put down the broom, pick up the remote, and let the dust bunnies fall where they may.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Today is National Sorry Charlie Day
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Today is National Go For Broke Day

Are you a gambler? Then, today, is your day. It's Go For Broke Day. Today is a day to put it all on the line, and take a chance. It might be money. Or, it can be a love relationship. Perhaps, it's time to initiate a risky project, or to take a new job.
If you can muster up the courage to take a big risk, you can enjoy today by taking big risks and "Going for Broke". We will leave it up to you to decide whether the risk is worth taking.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Opening Day
Friday, April 1, 2011
Happy April Fool's Day

April Fools' Day, sometimes called All Fools' Day, is one of the most light-hearted days of the year. Its origins are uncertain. Some see it as a celebration related to the turn of the seasons, while others believe it stems from the adoption of a new calendar.
Read more: April Fools' Day: Origin and History —
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
National Festival of Smoke and Mirrors

Smoke and Mirrors Day is a day of illusions. The term "smoke and mirrors" means something is not really as it appears to be. People often put up smoke and mirrors to hide something.
This day is also referred to as the Festival of Smoke and Mirrors. We did not discover an actual festival of this nature. But, who needs historical facts to have fun an a special day? Let's get out and enjoy Smoke and Mirrors Day to the fullest.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Sad Day in History

Pizza Man owners decide not to reopen restaurant
By Joe Taschler of the Journal Sentinel
March 24, 2011 |(98) Comments
The owners of Pizza Man restaurant, which was destroyed by a multi-alarm fire in Milwaukee almost 15 months ago, said Thursday they have decided not to reopen the business.
Family health issues and the workload generated by their growing Stinky Gringo brand of pre-mixed margaritas resulted in the decision not to reopen Pizza Man, said Deanna Amidzich, owner and president of Stinky Gringo Inc. and co-owner of Pizza Man along with her husband, Mike.
The couple had been negotiating to reopen the pizza restaurant at a site on Milwaukee's south side. When the talks broke down, they decided that starting over in the restaurant business was not something they wanted to do.
"We just decided we're not going to reopen Pizza Man," Deanna Amidzich said. "You come to a crossroads, and the way things are right now, (the family's) health is more important than opening a restaurant."
Pizza Man, at E. North and N. Oakland avenues, burned along with several other businesses in January 2010. Pizza Man opened Nov. 15, 1969, and eventually became an east side landmark.
Damage from the blaze was estimated at $3 million. The building had to be demolished. In addition to Pizza Man, the fire also destroyed Cush Lounge, Grecian Delight, Black and White Cafe and several apartments.
The fire was intentionally set and began in the Black and White Cafe, fire investigators have said. Federal and state investigators said in January that they continue to pursue leads in the case.
Meanwhile, distribution of the Stinky Gringo brand continues to grow, with the company having recently added Illinois, California and South Dakota to the list of states where it is sold.
The brand has grown by double-digit percentages every year since it was introduced, the Amidziches have said.
The Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of whoever is responsible for starting the Pizza Man fire. Anyone with information about the blaze is asked to call Wisconsin's anonymous arson tip line at (800) 362-3005.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
National Goof Off Day is Here!!!!

Today is National Goof-Off Day. Here are some exciting ways to observe it:
• Conduct a scientific survey to determine America's favorite flavor of hot Jell-O.
• Try building a mechanical pig.
• Have a go at the latest spring fever exercise fad -- aerobic snoring.
• Try teaching your canary to yodel.
• See how long it takes to liquefy a box of crayons in the microwave.
And name the new color.
• Run your calendar watch back an entire year and see if it helps you remember how you goofed off last year on National Goof-Off Day.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Welcome to Spring Pizza Lovers :)
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Happy St. Patricks Day
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
It's HUMP Day!!!!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Happy Tuesday
Friday, March 11, 2011
Today is National Johnny Appleseed Day
A Little About the Legend:
* John Chapman (aka Johnny Appleseed) was born on September 26, 1774.
* He was a nurseryman who started out planting trees in western New York and Pennsylvania.
* During the life of John Chapman, the "West" was places like Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois.
* John Chapman was a deeply religious person He was known to preach during his travels.
* According to legend, Johny Appleseed led a simple life and wanted little. He rarely accepted money and often donated any money he received.
* It is believed that he died on March 11, 1845, from what was referred to as the "winter plague". The actual date of his death has been disputed.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Today is National Panic Day

Yesterday you may have been on the receiving end of Be Nasty Day, so today is your opportunity to Get Over It. Don’t be fooled by the name. March 9th represents a well-thought holiday that can benefit each of us. The date marks the midpoint between Valentine’s Day and April Fools Day. Spring is coming so it’s time to forget about the past and start with a clean slate. Forget about your ex, work stress, or the fact that you gained a few pounds this winter. Celebrate Get Over It Day and let’s move forward!
By Downtown Printwear
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Today is National Be Nasty Day
Monday, March 7, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Happy Friday Pizza Lovers

Today is National Holy Experiment Day.....
There are a lot of things that can be viewed as religious or holy experiments. Some examples could be:
* Pray for someone to get better
* Pray for snow
* Pray for your team to win the Superbowl
* Pray someone will ask you on a date
* Try saying grace at dinner and see if others join you
* Try to get a person to attend religious services
* Plan to convert someone to your religion
In our examples above, God may grant all, some, or none of the desired results. He may be too busy with the problems of the world to make it snow. He definitely doesn't have a favorite sports team. The Lord truly works in mysterious ways. Sometimes, he has his own plans for an outcome that we may not understand.
We don't want to discourage holy experiments. Quite the opposite, we think they are good. We just believe you shouldn't judge the results. Your religious beliefs will be strengthen and you will be closer to God. So, participate in Holy Experiment Day to its fullest.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
National I Want You To Be Happy Day

" I Want You to be Happy Day" is an unselfish day. Its a thought that we wish upon others that was care for or love.
Celebrate today by doing more than wishing someone is happy. Do something to make them happy. It can start with an Ecard that would put a smile on there face, or make a quick phone call to say "Hi" and give them a positive compliment. Be creative there are endless ways to make others happy!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
National Old Stuff Day!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
TGIF Pizza Lovers :)
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Today is International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day

February 23 is International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day. Celebrate accordingly. They say every dog has his day... today, they all get that day at once. Just imagine: dog biscuits without having to do tricks. We should all be so lucky. Who invented International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day? Most likely a human, though I suppose it could have been a very smart dog!
If you're into doggy DIY, you can make your own dog biscuits.
We like Pizza shaped ones :)
Friday, February 18, 2011
Happy Friday Pizza Lovers.....

Today is National Battery Day
My research did not find the creator, or the origin of this day.
Most likely, this day was created by a national association or a battery manufacturer.
This is referred to as a "National" day. However, I did not find any congressional records or presidential proclamations for this day.
Several site have suggested that this day is in honor of Alessandro Volta, Italian physicist and inventor of electric battery, who was born on this day in 1745.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Love Is In The Air.....

Valentine's day isn't all about roses, candy, and expensive dinners.
It has a historical background too.
Contrary to what some may believe, Valentine's Day wasn't created by greetings card companies just to sell cards and candies. It's actually a church sanctioned holiday, as Pope Gelasius deemed February 14 St. Valentine's Day near 498 A.D.
Shrouded in mystery, the exact origins of the celebration of St. Valentine are somewhat unclear, according to While the holiday's history is well documented through the years, the saint (or saints) it's named after is up in the air.
It's still unclear exactly who the celebrated saint of love really was, as the Catholic Church acknowledges 3 separate saints named Valentine or Valentinus. All of them were martyrs.
Friday, February 11, 2011

Today is National White Tee-Shirt Day, not to be confused with National Wet Tee-Shirt day :)
Origin of this Holiday
According to the UAW's website, the traditions of the original White Shirt Day is as follows: 1) Everyone must wear a white shirt or blouse 2)Your white shirt must not get dirtier than your boss's shirt 3) Safety and work rules must be followed.
This holiday is referred to as a "National" day- However, we did not find any congressional records or presidential proclamations for this day. Even though we didn't, this is still a holiday that is publicized to celebrate. So enjoy the day and have fun with it.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Today is National Umbrella Day
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Today is National Kite Flying Day
Friday, February 4, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Today is National Punch the Clock Day
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
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